
Industry Bursary

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2008/707 WERA Bursary (Judd Evans)

The WERA conference is a meeting held yearly in conjunction with the National Shellfish Conference and brings together the foremost researchers involved with oyster genetics and breeding from across America.  Read More

2008/707 WERA Bursary (Tony Troup)

The following report, in diary form, is a report from an industry bursary to atten the WERA 099 Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish and the National Shellfish Association Annual Conference.  Read More

2008/728 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2008 (Che Spruyt)

The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program equips individuals with skills, networks and an industry perspective, giving them the opportunity to represent their industry make future contributions at a national level.  Read More

2008/728 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2008 (Gail Spriggs)

2008 National Seafood Industry Leadership Program - Gail Spriggs from Clean Seas Tuna.  Read More

2008/728 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2008 (Raymond Pratt)

Computerised Quality Index Manual To provide specifications for a computerised version of the Quality Index Manual developed by SFM & FRDC.  Read More

2008/784 USA trip report on recent struggles facing shellfish hatcheries and industry on the Pacific North West of the USA, 2009

This study tour was undertaken to attend the WERA and 101st Shellfisheries Association Conferences held in Savannah, Georgia, USA, from 21st – 26th March 2009 and to visit shellfish hatcheries throughout Washington State and Oregon.  Read More

2009/705 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2009 (Anni Conn)

The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program equips individuals with skills, networks and an industry perspective, giving them the opportunity to represent their industry so to make future contributions at a national level.  Read More

2010/712 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2010

The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program equips individuals with skills, networks and an industry perspective, giving them the opportunity to represent their industry make future contributions at a national level.  Read More

2010/730 Group study tour New Zealand oyster/shellfish industry

The objective of this group study tour was to investigate the potential for Australian industry growth via key oyster industry representatives, all of which have a strong personal commitment to the industry and its development.  Read More

2010/732 The Australian National Business School/University of Western Australia "Busisness in Asia" course

The objective of this report was to ascertain the feasibility for the Geraldton Fishermen‟s Co-operative (GFC) to export Western Australian Western Rock Lobsters (Panulirus cygnus) into the new and emerging market opportunities.  Read More

2010/733.10 Collaborative processing facility: Visit to Brussels Seafood Fair and collaborative clusters

This project was a travel bursary to investigate the feasibility of building a best practice collaborative processing cluster in Australia. Interviews were conducted at a seafood fair in Brussels and visits were made to collaborative clusters in the Netherlands.  Read More

2010/746 Monash University Agribusiness Execuctive Program

The Monash University Agribusiness Executive Program comprises training modules in marketing market realities, successful leadership, tools and skills and insights and opportunities. This project was a bursary awarded to Maria Mitris of Pacific Reef Fisheries.  Read More

2010/760 Market Intelligence study tour to Beijing China – Combination research travel grant, industry bursary and internship

The objective of this study was to develop robust actionable China market intelligence reports for Abalone Council of Australia (ACA) members.  Read More

2011/704 The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program 2011

The National Seafood Industry Leadership Program successfully produced three newly trained leaders for the seafood industry.  Read More

2011/709 Fish breeders round table meeting, Norway

This industry bursary grant allowed the representative to attend the Fish Breeders’ Round Table discussions of molecular genetics and breeding in Norway.  Read More

2011/759 Visiting existing Seriola farms in Southern Japan

This project allowed Indian Ocean Fresh Pty Ltd staff members to visit a Seriola sp seacage operation in Southern Japan. The aim of this visit was to allow staff to better understand the procedures in existing Seriola operations, with the hope to apply this knowledge to the developing Yellowtail Kingish (Seriola lalandi) aquaculture development in WA.  Read More

2012/712 Amoebic Gill Disease in Scotland and Ireland: Impact, control procedures and investigations

This industry bursary supported Alistair Brown and Carlos Zarza to travel to Scotland and Ireland to discuss current research efforts into Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) in Atlantic Salmon  Read More

2012/726 Value chain analysis and point of sale opportunities for the Spencer Gulf King Prawn fishery, Brussels Belgium

An industry bursary allowed the author to visit the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, Belgium and conduct targeted interviews with companies in the prawn chain in Europe to assess new opportunities for point of sale material or chain relationship development work relating to the Spencer Gulf King Prawn fishery.  Read More

2012/747 Study tour to Chile

The aim of this project was to look at how the biosecurity issues that are faced by the Chilean salmon industry have shaped their current approach to biosecurity and commercial egg production.  Read More

2012/748 Study tour of South Korean abalone aquaculture

The objective of the industry bursary was to further build relationships and identify technology that would assist industries to improve their productivity, and opportunity for research collaboration between Australia and South Korea.  Read More

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