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2005/029 Factors limiting the resilience and recovery of fishing abalone populations

This project aimed to investigate the efficacy of translocation of mature abalone for stock rebuilding.  Read More

2008/704 Review of available software tools that can be used to support selective breeding programs in the Seafood CRC

The Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Center is developing a Theme Business Plan to support and coordinate a cooperative approach to aquaculture genetics research in the CRC.  Read More

2008/722 Scope and economic analysis of options for a nationally unified breeding program that provides significant economic benefit to the Australian abalone industry

Well designed selective breeding programs have been the key to the successful development and ongoing viability of major aquaculture industries worldwide.  Read More

2008/739 Antiviral immune responses in abalone and influence of potential abiotic and biotic factors

This research aimed to investigate the presence of antiviral activity in abalone Haliotis laevigata (greenlip), H. rubra (blacklip) and their hybrid.  Read More

2009/710 Bioeconomic evaluation of commercial scale stock enhancement in abalone

By providing the resources to complete existing large-scale, long-term field studies, compile accurate economic data, and undertake comprehensive bioeconomic modelling, this project allowed a comprehensive commercial-scale evaluation of abalone stock enhancement to be undertaken.  Read More

2009/714.30 Economic management guidance for Australian abalone fisheries

This project extends the use of modeling which is underway in other CRC and FRDC projects into economic evaluation of Australian abalone fisheries. Combining biological and economic modeling has recently provided guidance to the Southern Rocklobster industry on management changes that increase the economic yield of the fishery threefold compared with the original management regime.  Read More

2009/746 Could harvest from abalone stocks be increased through better management of the size limit/quota interaction?

This project aimed to quantify density-dependent effects on wild abalone growth and meat quality. Further work was done to develop a tool that may be used to classify shell age of abalone and use length-based models to test the adequacy of shell age performance measures. The length-based models were also used to determine the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of an adapted LML that optimisses the proportion of 'old' shell within 5mm of the LML.  Read More

2010/704 Maximising the value by minimising stress in abalone: Optimising harvesting strategies

The Abalone Council of Australia (ACA) has clearly identified in their Strategic Plan (2007-2017) goals to have an Australian national wild abalone brand driven by a national Quality Assurance and Product Integrity Program, and to increase the industry gross volume of production (in real terms) by 25% to $268 million in 2012 and by 50% to $321 million by 2017. This project supported these goals, particularly a desire to increase the value of the abalone, by ensuring that animals in the best poss  Read More

2010/727 Molecular assessment of spawning cues in temperate abalone Haliotis laevigata

Understanding the mechanisms that control spawning and identifying the molecule(s) associated with spawning are keys to resolving issues with abalone spawning.  Read More

2010/728 Development and optimisation of anaesthetics for use in the abalone aquaculture industry

This project aimed to develop anaesthetics for use in the abalone aquaculture industry, with the ultimate aim of accumulating sufficient information for application to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for product registration.  Read More

2010/736 Development of formulated diets for cultured abalone

This project aimed to develop improvements in commercial feeds formulated for abalone, specifically for different life stages and/or water temperatures (seasonal/inter-annual/climate change), which are likely to deliver improvement in weight gain per unit cost across an entire grow out period.  Read More

2010/755 Sperm cryopreservation in Australian farmed greenlip (Haliotis laevigata) and blacklip (H. rubra) abalone

This thesis explored the differences in cryo-sensitivities between sperm from farmed and wild abalone and identified the broodstock physiological conditions best suitable for sperm cryopreservation in farmed abalone.  Read More

2010/767 Prevention and control of maturation to address multiple key abalone production constraints

The aim of this project was to generate a foundation of knowledge to support the development of interventional methods to prevent or promote conditioning and spawning in abalone.  Read More

2011/751 Improvement of abalone nutrition with macroalgae addition

The key objective of this project was to demonstrate cost effective way of using selected macroalgae species as feed for abalone. This research provides the necessary momentum to substantially grow and diversify the SA based macroalgae industry and build its linkage with abalone aquaculture industry.  Read More

2011/762 Recovering a collapsed abalone stock through translocation

This project investigated the question: Can the establishment of a founder population could be a viable tool for fishery restoration, particularly in stocks like abalone that have localised recruitment? Such a study is relevant to all Australian abalone fisheries and an integral part of understanding how fisheries populations can be sustained in a changing environment.  Read More

2011/773 CRC Abalone Research Forum

The CRC Abalone Forum ran a series of workshops including a SnailBASE and a reseeding workshop, plus sessions on abalone nutrition and global market trends.  Read More

2012/708 Quantifying physiological and behavioural responses of cultured abalone (molluscs) to stress events

This project took advantage of the development of a new research tool (“biologger”) for the in-situ measurement of physiological and behavioural parameters to gain an understanding of the response of the abalone to a range of commonly experienced and predicted stressors in a commercial system. This research will provide knowledge for refining farm management protocols, and in the longer-term for developing real-time bio-monitoring of farm management protocols.  Read More

2012/714 Use of next generation DNA technologies for revealing the genetic impact of fisheries restocking and ranching

Several initiatives by the Australian Seafood CRC’s Future Harvest theme involve some form of stocking or enhancement of fisheries. In Western Australia, populations of Roe’s Abalone (Haliotis roei) are currently being restocked after the occurrence of a catastrophic mortality event, while stock enhancement of Greenlip Abalone (Haliotis laevigata) is also occurring. This project employed a post-doctoral researcher with the goal of creating genetically healthy/sustainable restocked   Read More

2013/701 9th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Sydney, March 2013

The Seafood CRC sponsored a session at the 9th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety to promote the leading work being undertaken by the Seafood CRC.  Read More

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