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2010/734 Oyster over-catch: Cold shock treatment |
By Bob Cox
The recruitment of fouling or pest organisms to cultured oysters and growing infrastructure imposes a major financial impost for oyster culture throughout Australia and serves as a particular deterrent to industry expansion in certain regions. Oyster farmers have a range of management options such as mechanical cleaning, drying or cooking to control fouling, but each option typically has its limitations. Cold-shock, through immersion in chilled (-12 to -16°C) hypersaline (180 - 200 g l-1 NaCl) baths, is a comparatively new technique that has demonstrated the potential to effectively control a range of pest species without adverse effect on the host oysters. Most notably, hypersaline cold-shock can be used to control subsequent natural oyster settlement known as “over-catch”.
In experimental scale laboratory trials, the cold tolerances of various size classes of both Sydney Rock Oysters (Saccostrea glomerata), Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) were assessed and tolerance estimates were determined. Overall cold shock tolerance in both species was size-dependent with smaller individuals succumbing faster. Comparatively, S. glomerata of up to commercial size were less tolerant of hypersaline cold-shock than C. gigas. Operating guidelines for cold shock treatment were developed - a period of 75 seconds immersion revealed 100% destruction of fouling over-catch oysters with no detrimental effects on the stock oysters. The effectiveness of cold shock in treating a range of additional pest species (barnacles, hairy mussels, flatworms etc) was confirmed. Cold-shock was found to be particularly destructive to “soft-bodied” pests such as flat worms and smaller organisms such as barnacles.