
2008/706 Training needs analysis, template and report
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2008/706 Training needs analysis, template and report

By David O'Sullivan and Jim Blackburn



As part of the 'Implementing the Knowledge' Theme Business Plan, a CRC funded project has developed a process for facilitating workplace education and training (E&T) to assist CRC participants expand their businesses.

Following consultation with industry and training providers, a five-stage process has been developed for industry participants to identify and implement targeted staff and business development E&T. The five stage program includes:

• Stage 1: Company Training Scope Survey
• Stage 2: Training Workbook — Developing a Training Plan
• Stage 3: Consulting with a Training Advisor
• Stage 4: Implementing the Training Plan
• Stage 5: Training review and assessment.

A two-page Introduction has been prepared to explain this process and to provide CRC participants with useful contacts for CRC Training Advisors.
The pilot project involved Lonsec Ltd's team of Dos O'Sullivan and Jim Blackburn working with Clean Seas Tuna Ltd (CST, a marine fish seacage farm in South Australia) and ASAE Pty Ltd (ASAE, a Rainbow Trout farming operation in Victoria planning to undertake inland saline aquaculture of Rainbow Trout in southern New South Wales). Both companies quickly completed Stages 1 and 2 and a draft Training Plan (Stage 3) was developed for their benefits. Examples of these documents have been provided. The feedback and assistance from managers at both companies is acknowledged as a major benefit for the project's outcomes.
Managers from both CST and ASAE expressed support for the process, saying it was "straight forward and logical", "replicable", "sensible and systematic".

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